
Posts Tagged ‘wordpress theme’

Can a theme change make the Google Ads less obvious?

August 8, 2008 Leave a comment

If you read my post 2 days ago, showing how how my blog looks like with the Google Ads that WordPress is serving to my first time visitors coming from a search result, you will know that the ads really ruin the design and visual impression of my blog. Is there a way to make the ads more inline and less protruding? A theme change maybe?

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Why my theme changes every week

July 18, 2008 Leave a comment

I told you in a previous post about choosing the right theme for your tag cloud how I changed my theme every so often because I was unhappy with the how the tag cloud displays. It occurred to me today that changing my theme is actually a good thing…although maybe a little confusing for my readers, sorry for that. But, this way I can explore all themes and the different themes’ functionality…and make regular posts about my experiences and recording screen shots of how my blog looks like in the different themes. That will make for an better side-by-side comparison of the themes than just previewing them one by one. So if you’re confused by a constantly changing theme, that is just part of my learning process. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions about which theme that works better for you.

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Annoying things about WordPress: Choosing the right theme for your tag cloud

July 16, 2008 1 comment

If you are a regular reader of this blog you will have noticed that my theme changes…almost every day. That is because I’m still having issues with the tag cloud, as I described in my post about the tag cloud in WordPress. Although WordPress has fixed the line break issue I described in said post, the tag cloud looks everything from absolutely neat to absolutely awkward, depending on my choice of theme. And I like using the tag cloud, so I am faced with a dilemma here.

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WordPress versus TypePad: Templates/themes in WordPress

July 15, 2008 Leave a comment

When comparing WordPress and Typepad, the number of themes or templates available is a factor to consider. Both have about the same number of themes, currently around 65. TypePad lists all their variations, totalling 187 different color schemes and themes. WordPress only lists the themes, which you must activate first before you can select a color scheme, if available. As it happens that is only possible in some of the themes. For the most you are stuck with the color scheme that is presented, and I guess for a free tool, you get what you (not) pay for. I haven’t counted them all, because that would mean activating all customizable themes and checking them manually, but my guess is a total of 100 variations in WordPress. Theoretically, if you count all possible header text and background color variations with for example the default Kubrick theme, there are countless variations of course, but I would not count themes with simply different header colors as a “different” themes.

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WordPress versus TypePad: Templates/themes in TypePad

July 14, 2008 Leave a comment

When comparing WordPress and Typepad, the number of themes or templates available is a factor to consider. Both have about the same number of themes, currently around 65. TypePad lists all their variations, totalling 187 different color schemes and themes. WordPress only lists the themes, which you must activate first before you can select a color scheme, if available. As it happens that is only possible in some of the themes. For the most you are stuck with the color scheme that is presented, and I guess for a free tool, you get what you (not) pay for.

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