
Posts Tagged ‘change post URL’

Good things about WordPress: Changing the URL of your post or page

July 27, 2008 Leave a comment

Sooner or later every TypePad user will realize how different TypePad URLs are displayed in the browser address bar compared to how WordPress URLs display. TypePad truncates your post title, WordPress keeps it as is. Some people even say that WordPress is more search engine friendly than TypePad; I don’t know, I have yet to notice a significant difference.

Nonetheless, one of the nicest features in WordPress is the ability to change your post or page URL, without losing the link. This means that if Google or someone else has linked to your “old” post or page URL and you then change your post or page URL in a later edition of your post or page, it will automatically redirect to your “new” post or page. TypePad cannot do any of this.

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